Home fitofarm Aerogarden

Aerogarden - a great gift for those who care for their loved ones. Thanks fitofarm home on your table year round will be fresh, organic vegetables, herbs, lettuce, strawberries without chemicals and GMOs. Specially designed lamps and hydroponic system , which delivers nutrients directly to the roots, even in winter, ensure faster growth and fruiting of plants, as well as better yield than when grown in the ground in the summer. Your family will receive the vitamins straight from the garden, no matter what time of year! Hydroponics - a method of growing without soil. All necessary for the life of the plant material obtained from the nutrient solution. For those who do not have time to engage in the cultivation of plants.

Growing up in a home fitofarm requires no special knowledge, time and effort. Fully automated installation will do everything for you. It is only necessary to select the program corresponding to the plants you want to grow, and click. Illumination and watering will occur automatically. Even the fact that you need to add water and nutrients, fitofarm will remind you every two weeks. The kits already include growing pots with seeds and the substrate. No need to mess with the ground, and after landing there will be mud. Grow with home fitofarm Aerogarden easy! For those who love to grow plants at home. For those who love to grow plants at their summer cottage, Home fitofarm Aerogarden can quickly grow healthy seedlings. Plants keep all received quality and after landing in the ground. And when the holiday season is over, thanks to home fitofarm Aerogarden, it will be possible to dissolve a small garden house. For those who like the comfort of home. Domash fitofarm - stylish, modern piece of furniture. Plants fitolamp lights create a cozy atmosphere at home, even on a winter evening. For myself! It's so nice to surround themselves with beautiful, necessary and useful things!

 Buy home fitofarm Aerogarden

The principle of home fitofarm Aerogarden

Whereby it becomes possible to produce such great results when grown in home fitofarm Aerogarden?

3 components of success:

1. Hydroponics
Hydroponics - an effective way of growing plants without soil. Its essence lies in the fact that the roots of the plants get needed nutrients not from the ground, and from the nutrient solution. Hence the name of the method: "hydro" - "water". Cultivation of using this method is more efficient than growing in the soil. This occurs for several reasons. First, the plants do not spend energy on the search and extraction from the soil of necessary elements for their livelihoods. Everything you need, they get off the shelf. At the same time all the energy goes to development and growth. Secondly, the plants require certain elements in the right proportions. It is virtually impossible to determine the composition of the soil and the amount of necessary micro and macro elements. Also in the ground may be other items that are not needed or even harmful to plants for them and humans. Thanks to the method of hydroponic plant prepared exactly those elements in the quantities, which are required for the plant. It works on the principle of hydroponics home fitofarm Aerogarden. You simply pour water, add nutrients that are included. This is not a dirt landing always kept clean.

2. Lighting
The second very important point - this coverage. The value of light in the life of plants is enormous. Under natural conditions, the sunlight - the only source of energy, providing the process of photosynthesis of plants. Photosynthesis - the process of synthesizing organic compounds from carbon dioxide plants, air, water and minerals from the soil received by the energy beam. It is also called an air-powered plants. If you do not have enough light to plants, photosynthesis takes place them listlessly, organi¬cheskih substances produced little. The plants are weak, pale, or even die. Thanks fitolampy set fitofarm at home, it is possible to adjust the length of daylight and plants receive the necessary for life, growth and fruiting amount of light. The bracket allows you to adjust the height of the lighting panel, allowing the lamp are always as close as possible to the plants.

3. Mode
Each type of plant requires a certain amount of water and light. That is why the Home fitofarm Aerogarden There are five modes of cultivation: for greens, lettuce, tomato / pepper, flowers and strawberries. Installing self-adjusts the irrigation and lighting plants. With home fitofarm Aerogarden you can easily grow parsley, dill, basil, tomatoes, strawberries, and more!

Buy home fitofarm Aerogarden