Mantis Tiller - Kioritts 7225 USA
Mantis Tiller - Kioritts 7225 USA
                                                       Mantis Tiller - Kioritts 7225 USA  

Engine ............... Kioritts two-stroke, single cylinder , the volume of 21.5 cm3
Engine power ................................................ .................. 1 liter. s.
Ignition ................................................ email ............................
Drive ................................................. ............................... worm-gear

Fuel mixture : .............. 95 petrol and oil for two-stroke engines , the proportion of 1: 50
Fuel ................................................ ....................... 0.5 l / h
Weight ................................................. ................................... 0.4 l / h
Rotation speed ............................................... ............ 240 r . / min.
Working width ................................................ ................... 23 cm (base cutters)
Depth of processing ................................................ .................. up to 25 cm

High quality, unique features allow cultivator Mantis enter into best sellers .

Awards won by Mantis in numerous exhibitions and competitions provide further confirmation that this tiller has several unique characteristics and competitive advantages.

The first feature - unique cutter for motoblock Mantis with 40 teeth made ​​of high-strength tool steel.
This allows the cultivator with burial at 25 cm recycle land to the state of fine lumpy structure , similar in appearance to the buckwheat . But it is not only in the form cutters.

The second feature of the Mantis - speed cutters. It increased by 1.5-2 times compared to other power tillers and cultivators is 240 rev / min. In combination with the unique shape of this mill can achieve a high quality of cultivation .

In this case, the mantis can be fitted with attachments for soil treatment and care of the lawn , hedges , flower beds and dorozhkami.Motoblok Mantis is easy to use , compact for storage and transportation , economical and efficient.

So you 'll get great results when working on your country site , at the same time experiencing the joy and pleasure of his work !
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